Homebrew Skills, Feats, and Abilities

Here you can find delicious homebrew feats, skills and abilities!

Homebrew Feats

Cleavage Portal
Cleavage Portal Version 2
Exotic Proficiency (Reload)
Combined Attack
Combined Finishing Move

Homebrew Skills

Wall Running
Iaijutsu Focus

Cleavage Portal

  • Requirements: Female/trap only, must be "large" enough to have a cleavage, and exposed in some manner. Sorry guys and manly men, moobs and FUCKHUEG pecs don't count.
  • This feat allows the character to store an immense amount of bullets/ammunition within the cleavage of the breasts.
  • Note: the larger the cleavage, the more can be stored. At a "deep cleavage," an infinite amount can be stored. This is entirely under the GM's approval.

Cleavage Portal Version 2

  • Requirements: Butt crack must be "large" enough to be counted as cleavage, and exposed in some manner. This is entirely under the GM's approval.
  • This is a much more gender-friendly version of the original feat, allowable for all sexes (and I do mean ALL sexes) so long as they have "ass cleavage." Follows the same routine as Cleavage Portal Version 1. Same note too.

Exotic Proficiency (Reload)

This feat allows the character to be able to reload a gun completely from illogical, impossible and/or improbable means. Allows for simply awesome reloading capabilities and sequences.

Examples include: spinning in a circle while whirling a revolver around to collect bullets floating in midair/falling from above, plucking bullets out of mid-air and reloading your gun immediately, and/or completely not having to answer how a Witch-Gunslinger reloads his/her stiletto heel guns.

Further examples: Grenadier, Bayonetta, Zombieland (the very last battle, and no not the zombie clown one)

Combined Attack

There are combined attacks, than there are THE combined attacks. This represents the evolution of special attacks, allowing two conflicting signature styles and/or attacks to be combined in ways that are far more powerful than they were alone.

Keep in mind, this is different then the BESM d20 Combined Attack AND the Feat "Combined Attack." Unlike both, which allows any two people (or more) to combine attacks, this is specifically between those two people only.

The rulings are as follows:

  • First and foremost, each person involved MUST have THIS particular feat (designate it as "[Name of person 1] and [Name of person 2] Combined Attack") as designated here.
  • Both people must be using a Special Attack. This will be done with absolute no penalties upon doing it. Nor does the enemy (unless specified) get a defense roll. The attack completely ignores AC and force fields of any kind (unless specified).
  • The new combined special attack delivers every single status effect upon the enemy with no save.
  • After declaring the use of this feat, both users roll an attack roll. The damage of the combined special attack is the combined damage x2. If one person gets a 20, then the combined special attack damage goes up to x5. If both get a 20, then it shoots up to x10.

On the other hand, if one rolls a 1, then the combined damage is halved with no status effects whatsover. If both roll a 1, then they are gonna get completely hosed: they take the combined damage instead from "backlash," are knocked out for 1d10 rounds, and are suffering 1d4 points damage per round until they awaken. They also get to enjoy suffering the very effects they attempted to slam onto the original target.

  • If the chosen action during this combined move are special attacks, then it's up to the GM to spin it should the two be "polar opposite" types of one another (say, Fire-Ice or Poison-Healing). Ultimately though, polar opposite special attacks work better than similar ones, and this should be represented by the GM. Mostly, if the two combined specials are opposite types, then the target must roll a "Do-or-Die" percentile roll to determine if they are able to take such powerful, yet opposing forces against them.
  • Upon declaring this move, all parties involved will be unable to do anything the next round save moving five feet. It takes up half the current hp of all parties involved, and drains all their energy as well. It must be declared at the time of the "fastest" involved party (which eats up their entire round, so to speak), and will begin at the "slowest" one's turn.

This version of Combined Attack can NOT stack, and a new one must be taken each time for each new person added, whether as a group or individually.

For all intents and purposes, this version of Combined Attack also acts as a replacement to the Feat from the BESM d20 book…unless specified by the player.

Hellbladers get this for free at level 2, but must designate who the second person is…eventually.

Combined Finishing Move

This simple feat allows two people (or more) to perform a combined finishing move.

The combined finishing move is declared upon the fastest person's move, and is performed on the slowest involved (fast and slow determined by initiative). Declaration and performance is considered a full-round action. All involved in the finishing move MUST roll a 1d30 (or 1d20 + 1d10) and score at least a 20 each.

Combined finishing moves follows the same exact rules and judgment basis as regular finishing moves except the following:

  • all involved gain style points for performing it.
  • the 5 maximum style points is expanded to 10 maximum.
  • all involved must have at least a little bit of time to help deliver the descriptor.

Note: the "negs" involved with delivery are also changed slightly. Usually you have to let the GM know that you aren't comfortable with public speech and/or vocal delivery so he can judge properly and without bias. Well, that's thrown RIGHT OUT THE WINDOW with the Combined Finishing Move. Instead, those who are stronger in delivery will be allowed to do "most" of the Move, though those who are not so strong in delivery MUST perform at least some of the delivery, and the transition MUST be smooth.

The GM isn't being an asshole, y'know. This is just one way to allow for those who can deliver strongly to also back up and support those who cannot. You know who you are.


Costs 1 free feat slot or 8 style points
Prerequisites: Int 16+, Knowledge (engineering) or (electronics) rank 6, knowledge (mechanics) rank 6

Quickens technological and magitek item builds.

Every 8 energy points invested adds the equivalent of mechanical genius+1 as a temporary bonus towards the very next thing created by the tech genius.

Wall Running

This represents the parkour-esque ability to run along walls, a useful skill considering how many traps there could be in a given dungeon. Keep in mind that Tower Shields cannot be used in Wall Running 1 or 2, but only in 3.

Maximum 3 ranks
1 Skill Point per Rank

Rank 1
Allows the user to wallrun for about 5 seconds, enough to get around one ground-based trap. Allows the user to wallrun with no armor on at all.

Rank 2
Requires Rank 1 Wall Running. Allows the user to wallrun for about 30 seconds or so with a higher (or lower) degree of arc to said run, and to fire off one attack while doing so. Allows the user to wallrun with light or medium armor on.

Requires Rank 2 Wall Running. Allows the user to wallrun for about 1 minute in any direction (horizontal, vertical) with no arc at all if need be, and to fire off as many attacks as the user can up to the lowest base attack bonus. Allows the user to wallrun with heavy or worse armor on.


Z-Running is used, and useful for, a lot more than you might think. It's a common skill, but an advanced one, one that allows the user to move in ways that are both unexpected, illogical, and downright physics-defying. Z-Running is a trained skill, but instructors and facilities can be found just about anywhere.

Maximum 3 ranks
1 Skill Point per Rank

Rank 1
Requires Wall-Running Rank 1. This rank represents the user's uncanny ability to simply move in a straight line while running around, over, under, or sometimes through objects that might be in their path without breaking stride. Some people would say that this is the basic philosophy behind the real-life Parkour/Freestyle ability.

Rank 2
Requires Wall-Running Rank 1. This rank represents the user's growing prowess over basic movement and their own anatomy, the ability to maneuver through tough situations while still maintaining stride. This also represents the time when the user's view on situational movement begins to increase in strength and clarity, and provides the user a small bonus on insight rolls, situational modifiers, and other nonsuch.

Rank 3
Requires Wall-Running Rank 3. To put it at it's simplest, reality is your bitch. There is nothing you can't overcome, rebound around, bounce off of, or otherwise maneuver about. Skyscraper rooftops are your friends, you can perform feats of marvels and movement that would astound the normal imagination, and can basically Jackie Chan (on crack, steroids, and chili peppers) your way through any situation provided that you know the environment…which you probably do. Even better, you could dodge from car roof to car roof, building to building, along power poles and scale cliffs, all without breaking stride. Movement modifiers are almost always considered a "Take 20" situation, and this even grants a +2 Reflex save bonus.

Iaijutsu Focus

The Iaijutsu Focus Skill. Improved by Charisma ability modifier, this is the skill used to determine whether or not the Iaijutsu is performed properly. It is used in place of Attack Roll + Base Attack Bonus, or (later on) it can be used to determine a Double Crit after it's made available in Chapter 7. Iaijutsu Focus Skill is ONLY available to jobs able to use a Iaijutsu Strike.

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