Game Mechanics

This segment pertains to Neo-Tokyo RP only game mechanics that you won't find in any other pen-and-paper game…probably…

Finishing Moves
Iaijutsu Strike
Style Points
Black Market
Public Auction Minigame
The Elan System
The Mentor System
Dimensional Hopping
Dimensional List
So big they get their own page

Finishing Moves

For each job, you gain access to a customized, GM-approved "Finishing Move." When certain conditions are met, the character lands a final, stylish attack on the enemy. If the overkill potential, dice rolls, and overall delivery is impressive enough, then anywhere from 1 to 5 style points can be awarded.

General conditions -

  • If enemy has 5-10% health, "flash warning" will be given and a special 1d30 will be used for attack roll to determine if Finishing Move can be executed. At least a 21 must be hit in order to determine if the Move hits or not.

Judge Others, Sense Motive, or other insightful bonuses can help determine how close the enemy is to Flash Warning status.

  • User must be at least 50% of total health, or is considered "too weak" to use it.
  • A Finishing Move attempt is considered a full-round action, and if you miss it, you'll have to wait until your next turn.
  • A Finishing Move cannot be used as a Attack of Opportunity, unless the move itself allows for it. GM discretion ultimately rules on this one.

Other conditions may have to be met in order to perform a Finishing Move.

Whenever a Finishing Move is used, it does affect the background, changing it tot he background of the Move itself.

A Finishing Move is composed of three things:

1) A customized background,
2) A "secondary effect" that takes place before the final effect that results in a status effect inflicted upon the target,
3) A desired action that causes an effect that ultimately results in a "instant kill/K.O."

The first Finisher is free upon gaining a job and level 1, other Finishers can be learned, and ALL Finishers can be modified for further customization.

The Finishing Moves are the absolute most be-all, end-all (note: VERY few exceptions to this rule) most absolutely-powerful maneuvers in the game. You may not get a chance to ever use 'em (doubtful, since from chapter 1 to chapter 13 each player will get least ONE Finishing Move off), but you should always be prepared to deliver your Finishing Move rhetoric for any session you attend. You may not be good at public speech, and if you aren't do let the GM know: it's up to the GM to deliver style points ultimately based upon your delivery. If the GM doesn't know you're not that good, they can't help you.

Remember, in the end it's all about great delivery of a truly badassed scene. It's up to YOU to ultimately make it badassed or not.


One of the most powerful game mechanics available to the players is the Synchronization ability. Synchronization represents their capability to utilize extrasensory abilities such as psionics, magic, reality-warping energies and/or spiritual beliefs. A synchronization roll is called out by the GM, but sometimes (if appropriate) can be requested by the PC's. The synchronization roll is simple in practice: simply have the PC and the GM roll 1d20 dice, and the PC must roll a number within a certain range of the GM's, determined by the GM before/during the roll.

Now, Synchronization is important for a GM to chart when in use for storyline purposes, since certain situations/characters call for a higher or lower range of numbers. For instance, a character that starts Witch Gunslinger who contracts with a dragon must get within 5 numbers of the GM in the beginning, but towards the middle of the adventure they'll only have to roll within 10 numbers of the GM, and by the end won't have to roll at all. By then, "Total Synchronization" has occurred, and the character will never need to synch roll to call forth their dragon.

Situation-wise though, a certain character once again is a Witch Gunslinger, and they attempt to synch with an entire Dimension. Doing so, in the beginning, they'll have a range of 1 or they fail…and can try again sometime. By the end of the adventure, depending on how strong they are (GM's discretion), they may have an increased range anywhere from 3 to 5 numbers.

Synchronization can be utilized by just about any character, and the effects are almost always at the GM's discretion and narration.

6/19/10 - there is no way to "improve" synchronization rolls. This is a storyline ability, and is purely decided by the dice rolls and your character's development.

As of right now, here are the approved of ranges and what they mean to the DM (JDW, at least):

Perfect - A perfect synchronization is the best goddamned thing ever. Not only are you going to get your GM-approved synch, but a bunch of other environmental/target/ally/self bonuses as well~!
1 - you're fucked, but there's at least that oddball chance. Unless you're really trying to be exposed to something to improve your roll, don't bother me about this again.
3 - more than likely you're trying to synch with a dimension. Interesting. Otherwise, you're a nub trying something you've (as the character) have never even done anything but read about before. Let's see if you get it or not~!
5 - standard range. You've improved, but you need more work. GET TO WORK~!!!
7 - lookin' pretty cool there!
10 - you're doin' REAL good now! Keep it up!!

Note: anything about 10 range is really just for show, so the DM will never ask you to roll it…unless it's somethin' dramatic like "Synch roll, 13 range…YOU GOT IT BUDDY!" for awesome effects moments and such.


The Volley! Quite possibly the absolute strongest ability for a gunfighter, and it's considered a free mechanism. Lucky fucks.

Upon passing a DC17 check (attack roll), the gunfighter in question is able to launch a full-round attack, unloading EVERY gun available at any number of chosen targets.

So if you have multiple limbs with multiple guns (Quad Guns included), you're able to unload the ENTIRE BARREL/CLIP at each target you choose.

Note: For Witch Gunslingers, there is a sub-volley rule which allows them to pack up to four Bulletspells, one in each gun, and fire them. This is still considered a "volley" though, and there are certain special effects that can be achieved by doing this.

First and foremost, if you roll a crit and the target gets a crit fail, AND two or more of your spells are of opposing elements, then two or more of your bullets WILL achieve the secret art "Yin Yang Bulletspell," a devastating bulletspell effect that completely invigorates yourself and your party, does explosive (up to x10 depending on the spells involved) damage, and can also affect the environment in a way that is beneficial to your party.

After the first time the Yin Yang Bulletspell is fired, the Witch Gunslinger has a chance to attempt to use it more as a controlled action. After a proper amount of time, the Yin Yang Bulletspell can be used as a full-round action, after passing a DC 20 check (lowest base attack bonus + attack roll), and it takes half of your current energy store.


Whenever two (or more) mages cast the same spell, the two spells combine into one with a new damage multiplier (before end damage). This new, stronger spell is empowered by the amount of mages involved casting the spell (x2 = two mages, x3 = three mages, etc), plus stacking damages from each spell cast. Upon successful cast, the spell not only ignores defenses but can add the defensive number to its' resultant total damage before end damage is calculated. Ultimately though, the casting cost is also doubled with each mage added, each mage having to pay the cost. Crit is counted only once though at end damage. Keep in mind though that this can only be used against creatures whose Gnosis is under 700.

Note: This is where ep sacrificed spells are probably gonna shine the most. Of course you still have to have that much ep floatin' around…also, the "absorption rate" of the newer, stronger spell is set at 25% chance. There are ways to improve this number, but all involved must have those skills/feats.

Note: for example, four mages are going to cast Orb of Fuck You which does 10d10 damage + ep sacrificed normally and costs 100 ep (usually doing a grand total of 200 damage). Since there are four mages involved, it's going to cost 800 ep per mage and do (10d10 + 3200) x 4 damage at one target. Because the target happens to have a forcefield that blocks up to 1000 points damage, there's a 25% chance that it will also be absorbed before end damage, changing the number to ((10d10+3200) x 4) + 1000. This is incredibly helpful should crit becomes involved, and either way it just turned that guy's defenses against himself!

Note: consider this - (100 + 3200) x 4 = 13,200 + 1000 = 14200 x 3 crit = 42600 damage from one spell!!!!!!

Iaijutsu Strike

Iaijutsu Strike - during the first round action of combat, you may instead of drawing your weapon perform a Iaijutsu attack. First you must focus (at the cost of 25 ep), then you use your Iaijutsu Focus instead of making an attack roll. All crits are at 18-20, nonstackable with crit improving feats or abilities, and will always crit at x3. Any points over 20 from Iaijutsu Focus are added on as direct damage, added in before the crit count. Iaijutsu (after focusing) completely ignores AC of any kind, and opponent is always considered flat-footed (even in situations where they are not). Cannot be stacked with backstab attacks, and opponent must know you're there.

Note: instead of simply focusing for the crit, you may attempt to roll the dice AND add your Iaijutsu Focus value to attempt a Double Crit (hit 40 with dice roll + skill value). If so, crit modifier is improved to x5 for a grand total of x10.

Further notation: While you CAN Iaijutsu through just about anything, it should be noted that it is still at the GM's discretion whether or not you can. Gnosis is still a point, as well as the sheer power of it's defenses. If it's a simple Plate Mail + Mage Armor, you can Iaijutsu through it like a hot knife through butter. If it's Absolute Perfection, you're shit outta luck. Also you can only use Iaijutsu at the START of the battle, it costs the entire round and, above all, you can only use it once per battle. Upon being unsheathed, a katana cannot Iaijutsu again until the next battle. Mind you, there MUST be at least five minutes cooldown between battles to qualify as a "next battle," i.e. - if your battlesense tells you that you're still in combat, and "end of combat" has not occurred, then you cannot Iaijutsu again.

Style Points

Style Points can be used for character upgrades, to purchase skills/abilities, or can be hoarded. NEVER can they be exchanged, but they can be pooled for combined finishers or combined special attacks. Finishers and specials can be tweaked by style points, at GM's discretion.

1 skill point = 1 style point
1 abillity point = 3 style points
1 tweak to a special = 2 style points
1 tweak to a Finishing Move = 5 style points
To add an attribute = 2 style points (unless noted by GM, please check first)
To add a Feat = 2 style points (at GM's discretion first)
To add a special attack = 3 style points
Transform Style Points Directly Into Experience!

30 style points = Da Gigaton (no matter WHAT your level or where in the experience chain you are, you'll always go up to 99% of your current level.)
10 style points = 5000 experience points
1 style point = 500 experience points
1/2 style point = 200 experience points

Black Market

The Black Market is a wonderful place located in East Tokyo at the docks. It takes a special kind of person to get in though, though exceptions have been made. Anything you want, anything you need, you'll probably get from here at a price.

The Black Market is owned and ran by the Dragon Circus, a group of assassins led by the greatest of them, known only as "Loki."

The rules of the Black Market are simple:

  1. Ya gotta know someone to get in.
  2. Ya gotta follow da rules at all times.
  3. Ya bring people here, they'd better follow the rules too. Their punishment is your punishment
  4. Youse guys better turn off all communicators before you get past the guard.
  5. Youse guys had better always recognize the rule of the Dragon Circus above even yer own Family.
  6. The current head family is Aregami. They always get the best discounts.
  7. Speak in silence always. Youse guys saw nothing, ya hear?
  8. Never suffer the snitch bitches, swagger jackers, backstabbers and betrayers to live.
  9. What Loki says, goes.
  10. Never betray the Imperials. The Imperials are above even these rules.

The best way to get in is to know someone, period. Otherwise, you might find yourself having bitten off more than you can chew…

Public Auction Minigame

Well now, this one's fun for the whole group!

This is based on the idea that one person in the group is trying to sell something via the Public Auction in Middle Tokyo, and the others get to play as bidders.

Now, first and foremost, there are two ways a person can sell in the Public Auction:

  1. Become a member and do so for free and receive 4/5's of how it sells for (Imperial Tax), or
  2. Go with a "sponsor" who IS a member…and receive only half of how much it sells for. The item is still taxed, but the sponsor gets to decide which half gets taxed.

So, arrange everyone in the proper seating position so the GM is the announcer guy, the bidders are on one side and the owner is on the other.

Give everyone bidder names, personality quirks, bidding quirks, and high bid/low bid numbers…and, most importantly, how high they're willing to go for that final bid.

Now, the important part is to ensure that everyone is playing these temporary bidding characters good…and, through them, figure out how much the owner is going to get for the item. Not all items will go for extravagant prices, and it's up to the GM to ensure that the bidding is done so fairly, otherwise the owner will receive much less or WAY more than the item is worth.

This is essentially the GM's chance to truly arrange this situation and conduct it properly.

Note: To those who play the parts of the bidders, they gain 1 style point at the end of the auction no matter the result.

The Elan System

Gnosis - Event

100 - You can now become a god. You can govern and gather worshipers and grow strong, in the sense of gods at least. Gods normally have stats of 50 across the board.
300 - You can now become a high god. You rule over gods and can create whole worlds if you wish. High Gods normally have stats of 100 across the board.
500 - You are a Beyonder. You can evaporate anyone from 400 gnosis or lower from existence, can manipulate other created planets as if they were clay, and only high gods can truly harm you. Beyonders normally have stats of 200.
700 - You are a Rising Force. You can completely write anyone out of the fabric of reality that has a gnosis less than 400 (even high gods), and whole universes are at your disposal. Overpowered elements are beginning to be usable at this level. A Rising Force is considered to have stats of 400.
900 - You are Empowered. Anyone that is 700 gnosis or under you can be destroyed at a moment's notice. Reality itself and all that exists at a gnosis less than yours can be manipulated to your whim, and only a Rising Force or another Empowered can harm you. Empowered's have no stats.
1000 - You are Overpowered. You are peerless, unmatched, and flawless. Your very thoughts can affect reality itself on a macrocosmic scale. Overpowereds ARE stats. » Note: literally, 1000 in each stat.

The Mentor System

The Mentor System is easy to do, and can greatly enhance your characters' unarmed capabilities! Upon finding and gaining a Mentor, you are able to train with them for points just like your main martial art, and upon gaining the proper threshold choose a Special…or even a Super! Mind you though, not all are up for grabs, only the ones they're willing to teach you. You can find this information out by looking for the asterisk ( * ) next to the maneuver you wish to learn.

While you can't learn everything (unless you're a akKordian), you can learn enough to make yourself even more dangerous than before!

Keep in mind though that acquiring a mentor CAN be quite difficult, but well worth it if you learn certain signature moves and styles. Even more so, you can use the Mentor system to learn spells, abilities, feats, and more that can only be learned through mentoring with certain NPC's.

Dimensional Hopping

Many years ago, in order to help facilitate dimensional hopping performed by Overpowereds and "demons" (dimensional travelers) alike, the Extreme Existence created the T.D.I.M. (trans-dimensional interface mapping, also known as "Teddy" or "Teddy-M"), a standardized mapping grid that was updated once every intergalactic year. It's damn near exactly like the Wristcoms that are used in Neo-Tokyo, and are also compatible. It is highly suggested that you find and acquire one should you wish to go about dimensional traveling.

By memorizing or saving the co-ordinates on your Teddy, you can assure yourself of having a way to get back to your homeworld and dimension, but never forget that even the best Teddy's can only store 10 locations. On the other hand, upon pressing a single button you can be teleported back to said homeworld and dimension via pre-designated means (teleportation due to your own magic, abilities, scientific means via remote control, etc.), saving you quite a lot of hassle in the process!

Example -

Homeworld - Earth (Terra)
Home Dimension - BSZ13X7

B - name of Overpowered it's connected to
S - level of planetary Elan gauged
Z - placement within the Celestial Alignment (furthest outreaches from Central)
13 - dimensional alignment (13th dimensions are usually considered oddballs, and are notable for Overpowered activity)
X# - level of "Extinction Capability" that a planetary entity may have. Numbers range from 0 (weakest, absolutely no danger) to 10 (all of reality is endangered by events there). Normally Extreme Existence doesn't get involved until it hits 9, and mostly not even until it hits a 10. The Umbra Witches group gets involved anywhere from 3-5.

Dimensional List

Known Dimensional Locations List

Earth (Terra) BSZ13X8
Shadow BSZ13X5
Mirror BSZ13X5
Magical Beast BSZ13X4
Crystalis KAZ12X2
Typhon KBZ11X1

Minor/Specific Dimensional Location List (all connected to Earth (Terra) BSZ13X8)
Note: while a few of these locations are noteworthy in power, they are considered "connected to" a mother dimension since they lack either the Elan or the size to qualify as their own dimension. Besides, Earth is a Hub Dimension, which means it can not only spawn alternate dimensions but also has the highest known stability found in all existence, allowing for "pinched" off sections that are only accessible through Earth's dimension, but are not inexactly dimensions in and of themselves. I.E. - this is the description of a "pocket dimension."

Hades BFZ13X3
Hell BFZ13X3
Neo-Tokyo Underground HSZ13X1
Elven Community HSZ13X1
Synestrian Hoperaper HDZ13X2

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